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With Introduction, A Lucid Modern English Rendition with many new features such as:-- Audio and Video Gita in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Roman, Gujarati, Devotional songs, Illustrations with 12 full color images, Explanation of selected Verses in English, Paragraph Headings, Guide for the Beginners, A 12-min. Gita for Daily Reading and Contemplation, Verses from 29 other Vedic Scriptures, Sayings of Saints and Sages of major Religions as well as world scholars and leaders, A Guided Meditation Video and Glossary.

Chinese Tr. has rcvd. over 14,702 record ***** in China !

By Ramananda Prasad, Ph.D.
© International Gita Society

511 Lowell Place Fremont, CA 94536 Phone: 510 791 6953

A worldwide Acclaim for This Rendition

“...I am very interested in your translation of Gita. Though I have many English translations, I think your translation is the best one. So far, there are 5 versions in China, and I hope we could translate your "Gita" into Chinese too. Could you grant the Chinese translation rights......”

Dr. Zhicheng Wang, Prof. of Philosophy,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (near Shanghai), China.

“ .... I would like to include the translation of the Gita by Dr. Ramananda Prasad in my site. I am interested in representing India fairly, and I fear that the translation of the Gita by Sir Edwin Arnold that is distributed all over the net will do more to turn students away rather than introduce them fairly to the text...

Prof. Anthony Beavers, University of Evansville, Indiana.

“ …. A wonderful translation. It's about time that we get a new translation of the Bhagavad-Gita. Dr. Prasad takes a much more low-key approach, simply translating the Gita to the best of his ability and allowing the reader to make sense of it. More accurate than most other translations and rendered into modern prose, ….”

Gsibbery, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

“….American Gita Society now offers a translation, rendering thought provoking delicacy for the scholar, and at the same time provides unbiased commentaries that can be easily understood by the layperson. This rendition does not endorse, propagate, or oppose any causes, and delivers a translation that is devoid of all personal motivation and speculation …”

Douglas Remington, Los Angeles, 1997

  • AiU AitareyoPanishad 2 verses
  • AVG Ashtavakra Gita 1
  • AV Atharvaveda 7
  • BP Bhagavata MahaPurana 39
  • BrU BrihadaranyakoPanishad 11
  • BS BrahmaSutra 9
  • ChU ChandogyoPanishad 7
  • DB Devi Bhagavatam 4
  • IsU IshavasyoPanishad 2
  • KaU KathoPanishad 15
  • KeU KenoPanishad 2
  • MaU MandukyoPanishad 1
  • MB Mahabharata 57
  • MS Manu Smriti 10
  • MuU MundakoPanishad 11
  • NBS Narada BhaktiSutra 1
  • PrU PrashhnoPanishad 1
  • PYS Patanjali YogaSutra 8
  • RV Rigveda 21
  • SBS Shandilya BhaktiSutra 3
  • ShU ShvetashvataroPanishad 4
  • SV Samaveda 1
  • TaU TaittiriyoPanishad 2
  • TR Tulasi Ramayan 29
  • VC Vivekachudamani 5
  • VP Vishnu Purana 6
  • VR Valmiki Ramayanam 6
  • YV Yajurveda, Vajasaneyi Samhita 4
  • YVa YogaVashishtha 3/ 275
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